Meritas Advisory Group, LLC
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Overall responsibilities:

Responsible for multiple site supervision;development, planning, coordination, organization, implementation andevaluation of nursing program activities at the campus and regional levels;Assists the Assistant Nursing Dean and Chief Academic Officer in variousaspects of overall program planning and implementation; assists withspecial projects.


Job responsibilities:

▪ Plans, develops, manages, updates and evaluates all aspects of theprogram▪ Prepares data and other written materials for all required state andNursing Board requirements, reports, proposals, self- studies,surveys, and site visits▪ Assists with identifying and obtaining outside resources for thenursing program▪ Develops and implements program policies and procedures▪ Organizes and serves on committees▪ Oversees admission process and orientation▪ Effectively serves as liaison between the community and the college▪ Develops and maintains educational partnerships with clinical sites▪ Performs clinical site evaluations that include a thoroughassessment on the ability of the agency to provide clinicalexperiences that meet the objectives for application of theory andclinical course objectives. The assessment includes an analysis ofrisk, hazards and safety of all students, as well as ensuring adequatestaffing to handle clinical objectives▪ Maintains evaluations by students, clinical sites representatives, andfaculty at completion of each clinical rotation and provides summaryreport to the Executive Leadership team▪ Ensures clinical contracts are updated and maintained▪ Participates in nursing faculty recruitment, hiring and orientation▪ Facilitates nursing faculty meetings on a regular basis andensures adequate records and minutes of the meetings aremaintained▪ Assigns and schedules faculty to course and clinical sites▪ Monitors quality of instruction and participates in faculty andprogram review, evaluation, and strategic planning▪ Provides advising, support, and planning assistance to potentialstudents

▪ Provides input and ensure that students are properly oriented tonursing skills lab and clinical facilities prior to initiating clinicalrotations▪ Participates in the planning and review process for the recruitmentand admission of qualified nursing students▪ Assures that all students have completed the necessarydocumentation and met the requirements for graduation andlicensing exam▪ Participates in the planning and implementation of the NursingAdvisory Committee meetings on the campus and regionallevels▪ Participates in professional development; maintains CE hours▪ Maintains current knowledge of State rules and regulations asrelateto the practice of Vocational Nursing▪ Provides oversight and support to campus Program Directors on aregional level▪ Conducts campus site visits on a regular basis to ensure compliancewith the companies’ policies and procedures, BVNPT regulations,and accreditation standards▪ Participates in Faculty Development activities at the campus andregional levels▪ Assists campus Program Directors in preparation for site visits byaccreditors and governing agencies▪ Assists with programmatic policy review and development


Education and Experience:

Hold a current active license as a Registered Nurse▪ Hold a masters’ degree from an approved school▪ 2 years teaching experiencing▪ Have a minimum of three years’ experience as a registered nurse;one year shall be in teaching or clinical supervision, or a combinationthereof, in a state approved registered nursing or vocational orpractical nursing, or psychiatric technician school within the last fiveyears; or a minimum of three years’ experience in nursingadministration or nursing education within the last five years; and▪ Have completed a course or courses offered by an approved schoolwith instruction in administration, teaching, and curriculumdevelopment


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